Cool Martin...You'll be leading the pack with that one. Looks like a pretty good kit w/ most of the good mods done to it all ready.
I would reccomend the RPM hub carriers right off the top...They are much more solid than the stock ones...where the pillow balls pull out of. I was knocked out of a couple races last yr. due to that issue.
PS...I wouldnt get the center diff until they refine it a bit more (More R&D). The one they have chosen to use, is very similar to the front / rear diff...Which are problematic and leak
hey chuck how you been , the weather should be great for racing , ithink rain on friday which should be nice for the track since it is really dry . How is the kyosho fleet working for you? matt
all is good! give me a call on my cell 716 946 1850 and if i don't anwser i will call you right back
will you be sporting the new engine in a xray buggy this week ,because everyone knows theres only one thing better then a new engine and thats a new engine in a new buggy,
I'm really not too sure how many 8th scales we will have out tomorrow because alot of them are gone to the Great Lakes race at Full Throttle this weekend, but we should still have a few I just can't tell you how many.
Sorry folks about not including your *NEW* race for Sunday after Glenwood cancelled... I'll try to catch those changes earlier next time... until then keep on racing.
Hyper 7 - Keeper of the C.O.O.R.S. list .
PS: Finally an electric offroad track is opening up in Mississauga, tomorrow, May 28, which means my Losi XXX is finally coming out of retirement since 'Steeltown' died... *sniff* *sniff* , which where I actually started my RCing... go figure