Thank you for this spot on the world wide web, I will try my best to check it frequently and answer the best I can.
What can I tell you about the T2, Well it is XRAY's second platform for a touring car ( T1 being the 1st) the car should be here ealy January 2006 with a retail price of = or less then the FK05. We are working very hard with XRAY to offer this car at a reasonable price.
The 1st kits that have been ordered from your local shop will come with a set of JACO tires as a pre order bonus.
The biggest question we have been receiving is directed to the parts for the FK05, XRAY has told us they will continue to produce the older parts, and we will be carrying and supporting the older cars for some time:)
Right now yes there are some shortages on certain parts from the factory, this is due to XRAY gearing up for the launch of the T2. A large order has left XRAY this week for North America, this will include all the plastic parts that have been hard to get the last few weeks. Graphite items will be back in stock on the next XRAY order.
The only part that I know has been discontinued is the Alum shock bodies, the new shocks will be shorter and will be compatible with the Fk04 and FK05.
Any questions or concerns, please leave them here or email me (