Track/ Prices / Hobby Shop / Birthday Parties / 4 WD Mini Club / FREE Seminars & Workshops
Holiday Days / OTHER Special Events / RCCC - Radio Control Car Camp
*The above schedules are effective until December 22nd
October 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th
we welcome you to "get back into it" with FREE Bench/Practice Time
doors will open each evening at 6pm until 10:30pm
The hobby shop will be open for all your shopping needs
Please join us
(alternate) Thursdays
2nd Thursday: Racing:
Mini Z
LeMans doors open at 6pm race at 8pm ** starts Oct. 20th
Racing: 1:10 19T Rubber Tire* practice at 4pm race at 6pm
1:12 19T,
Tamiya M Chassis,
1:10 open foam,
1:10 19T foam,
1:10 silver can tub chassis
practice at 10am race at 11:30am **1st Sunday racing is October 23rd**