No, I'm sorry I don't know what you mean, with my car falling apart all day it was hard to keep up with what was going on, so could you please clarify. or call me, you have my number
Hi me again, well we had another cluster @#$% again this weekend.
Seems to me that a few people need to win no mater how they do it, jump tubes, jump the start, not line up where they'er postioned.
No regaurd for other racers, there is no such thing as a clean pass just run them in the corner as hard and as fast as you can hit them spin them out and bolt. If this happens more than once pull their car and send them home, if you can't pass clean you have no skillz.
This leads me to the second part, why should we loose the points for that race and not just the ones who were bad lol, like just because of them we all have to suffer for the mistake they made. not to sound cheap but for those of us who played fair and like big boys should get the next time out for free, if we all loose that race because of a few guys who wouldn't line up and obey the rules. if you can't keep your car at a stand still ideling in the position you qualified untill the count down ends than you my friend need a few tunning tips or race electric or put your car on the track after the start.THIS IS NOT A FREE FOR ALL THERE ARE RULES.
By not listening to the rules you just make yourself look like an ass or a 2 year old pick one.
ps. you can't pass another car at the start till you cross the start finish line.
I can only speak for myself here but i try my best to be a curtious driver and follow the rules. I had no idea that in a main you had to line up in position and wait....i mean it makes sense and all but that just goes to show you that there are drivers out there who know even less. (go figure)
The other problem i noticed was that you had everyone in one main. Now this is ok considering the numbers yesterday but when you have newbie drivers racing with guys in the a main its going to be messy that said it is still no excuse for what happned. I wasnt sure about the pit lane rule but once it was cleared up i had no problems. I think we should have a printout explaining racing theory and the rules that we can give to new racers. If this doesnt help then i think its time to start getting tough on those who continually bash.
When i first started racing nitro 1/10 and now 1/8 scale. i thought that when you were in the main and heard the horn you gotta give her. and i have much respect for mine and everyone elses buggy so a new driver who brings a basher and doesnt give a **** and or doesnt know any better is only expected to think of it as the faster i go the better chance i have of winning. Thats a hard frame of mind to get out of.
Im just as guilty as some of the others this weekend and now i know about the starting grid so next weekend should be much better for me. Like everyone says, its a learning curve so try to have paitence but dont let people get away with it too that i know better believe me i wont make that mistake again....
The newcomers to me are not the major problem it's the guys that have been racing with us the past few years should be setting the example so that the newcomers will be able to visually see how it is to be done. We have had drivers meetings for the last 4 weeks and we always ask if everyone is clear on the rules and if they have any questions, so if anyone has any questions then write them done when you think of them throughout the week and we will address them this Sunday. There are a few experienced drivers that feel the beginners are impossible to race with, so my suggestion is if we whelp out the beginners they well become better racers and it will be more fun for all, instead of sitting in your vehicle with the A/C on. For any of our other racers that read this post this only applies to the 1/8th scale buggies ( the problems, the rules apply to everyone)
Although the start of the race was really jammed, there were definitely improvements made on pit lane this week and driver etiquite...All fuelling was done on the plank...It would be much easier if a box was built up 1' to make an elevated pit lane.
As for the starting grid, maybe the recent challenges have made it apparent to:
Stretch out the grid in a single line on the outside of the straight;
6' apart in distance;
All the way back to, and including the outside edge of the sweeper.
This format lends to an uncongested start, and it truly rewards the driver with the fastest qual. This format is really good for MT's as we all know with the open wheels and wider stance in relation to lane widths, the starts/first corner can be rough.
Yes rick , i think that would be a good idea ,so if you could go ahead with that ,that would be great. Nice run this week Nathan you are the MT GOD . Jonathan is still on me about putting a fin on his truck . The way that Nathan has out lined the starting grid(previous post) will be the new starting grid . thanks for all the input keep it up.
I like nathans idea as well. I mean whats the point in doing your best in the quals only to get rammed by me as i fly across the start finish line jockeying for position? This was like he said the best drivers will be rewarded. I think it would also be a great idea to hand out that sheet to ALL drivers regardless of "years experience" that way we are all on the same page regarding our rules.
BTW matt. I will be comming out wednesday around 5ish to help out with the track. Cant wait to see the changes...YAY for big jumps!!!
Hi Chris listen you seem to be one of those win "i hate to lose guyz" maybe you should keep your response to yourself, unless you have some helpful hints.
Trying to bait matt into a pissing match over a race you had no chance of winning is just wrong.
So i think maybe you should apologize and be a big boy, instead of track bashing.
So be loose and have fun and most of all play fair{you know when you have done something wrong}
Hey Guys wow this is cool ,other then the post this after noon that i typed <This is my first time back on My wife has deleted a bunch of stuff . So i have missed a bunch of stuff so if anyone could fill me in on what i missed that would be great
Well , I had my wife fill me in on a few things so since my wife deleted the other post . so chris must be saying that she is the joke well thats no right . She is just trying to keep things on the up and up well iam out working thats why the post are always answer quickly since she doesnt work in the summer. Also it takes me for ever to typeLOL. Well if there is no more i wilkl wait for 15 mins then i will have my wife delete the crap since I dont Know all the was said Iam staying out of it. Iam more of a face to face guy .Its hard to know if some one is serious or joking around over the internet no expressions.
Hi Chris listen you seem to be one of those win "i hate to lose guyz" maybe you should keep your response to yourself, unless you have some helpful hints. Trying to bait matt into a pissing match over a race you had no chance of winning is just wrong. So i think maybe you should apologize and be a big boy, instead of track bashing. I race for fun, REMEMBER YOU WILL NOT BE WINNING A MILLION DOLLARS AT ANY OF THE TRACKS. So be loose and have fun and most of all play fair{you know when you have done something wrong}
Bruce, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. I DO NOT TRACK BASH FIRST OFF ALL! I know how much hard work goes into building a track, and no matter what you do to a track, some will like it and some will not. Although I do not own a track, and never will. I do help out quite a bit with one. So I feel very, very STRONGLY about public track bashing. I will not do it.
Secondly, I have no idea what you are talking about with "baiting matt" and me not having a "..chance of winning" a race. I have no clue what you are talking about. I have only raced 2 times at Niagara. And both times I was there, I had every chance at winning. It was my race to lose. And I never mentioned ANYONE's name when refering to pipe jumping.
Thirdly, to you I might seem like a guy that hates to lose. But in all reality, it's all about FUN for me. Sure I try to win every race that I enter, and win more than I lose. But losing is no big deal, as long as I am having fun.
Fourthly... Again I might seem like a guy that hate to lose. But to me, YOU seem like an azzkisser and brown noser.
I did win a million dollars at a track once. So you can't say that to me anymore!
I am very very sorry for the joke comment. I had no clue that was your wife, because she was using your name.
I just mearly thought it was a joke that "you" were deleting a post in response to Bruce's post. Please forgive me. I feel very very bad about that. Sherry I hope you also forgive me. I had no clue it was you. Again sorry.
The wife said sorry with not changing the name with all the things she was doing it slipped her mine I think she wanted to get me in trouble LOL. SO no hard feeling here I hope to make it to FTR for a club race just need to find time. So let me know what wolud be a good week to come down weather wise like to race with you guy again